How does it help you?
The Coaching Quality Mark™ enables your school, college or multi-academy trust (MAT) to develop an effective coaching culture, strengthen your coaching impact and gain local, national and global recognition for top quality education coaching practice. Organisations who successfully achieve this award will be seen as a centre of excellence for coaching in education.
It can help you to quickly and easily:
- Increase pupil progress and academic results
- Reduce persistent absence
- Improve behaviour
- Boost confidence and motivation
- Raise aspirations and self-esteem
- Get the best out of all teams, staff & pupils
- Eliminate poor quality teaching
- Spread good practice
- Boost leadership effectiveness & impact
- Implement & embed initiatives (Eg: Literacy, AfL)
- Create a more positive & happier working atmosphere
- Reduce stress & sickness
- Support new staff from ITT students to Headteachers
- Effective target setting and action planning
- Develop the outreach & inreach work of Lead Practitioners, NLEs & SLEs
- Staff retention, loyalty & enthusiasm
- Respond to serious weaknesses & achieve more ‘outstanding’ Ofsted judgements
- Tackle bullying
- Make pupil interventions more effective
- Enhance parental/community involvement
This Coaching Mark is a valuable tool for people leading coaching in schools or within the education sector. You’ll find that completing the S.E.F. forces you to analyse and reflect on your best education coaching practice AND helps you pin-point areas where you could lead coaching in school even more effectively – whether you’re coaching senior leaders, coaching teachers, coaching support staff, coaching pupils or all of these!